Monday, January 28, 2013


There's so much joy welling up in my heart right now! Two days ago I had my 24th birthday. I can't believe I am 24. Anyway, my friend Lindsay and I took a road trip to my house to celebrate my birthday with my beautiful sister Martha. It was so good to have some time with my family and to cook and eat  together again. I love Martha so much and it was an honor to celebrate her.
Sunday, after an amazing service at the Refuge, Lindsay and I drove back to the farm. When we started driving north, I felt so much peace. Yes, we were on our way home.
Sunday evening my fellow interns gave me a very special gift. They got me a beautiful little soprano ukulele...yes they are so amazing. Okay, I have to give you a bit of an update since it has been awhile. My weekly schedule consists of 5 major classes or tracks. Art, music, writing, darkroom photography, and Bible. They are all in-depth and intense and I am excited about all of them! The one, however, that has already caused me to have a breakdown is the music class. Molly and Chris are amazing teachers and I really do love our time together listening to music and exploring the world of music. We have homework for each of or classes, and for music class we have to write a song this week. The issue was for me that I didn't have an instrument or know how to play anything except for a few cords on the guitar. My farm fam helped me with the instrument and I am falling in love with my little uke. Now I get to overcome my fear of singing and writing music. It is not going to be easy, but it is so good to explore an area of creativity that I have really not had the boldness to embrace. I still have so much to learn and I am so glad to have the greatest teacher ever, the Holy Spirit, helping me all the way.

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