Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I found out yesterday that I will be going to Thailand on my outreach!!! I am very excited. My DTS is made up of 29 students and the outreach possibilities were India or Thailand. Our school leader asked each of us to pray and ask God where he was leading us to go and write it on a little piece of paper. So we did, and 14 people wrote down India, and 15 wrote down Thailand. It was an even split...crazy. So God knows what He is doing after all. hahaha. Today we found out who our team leaders and staff are and I am thrilled. We are not sure at the moment what we will be doing in Thailand but I know it is going to be awesome.


This week we have David Hamilton as our teacher. This man is truly devoted to God and to missions. He has been to 183 nations in his life time, preaching the gospel and spreading the love of Christ around the earth. He is teaching on knowing God, because only when we are in pursuit to know God can we begin to make him known. One thing he said that really stood out to me was his definition of true love, “To discover the dreams of your beloved and to live your life to make those dreams come true.” It is so crazy to think this is how I am supposed to approach God. He is my true love, wow, what a concept. What then are the dreams of God? Anyway, this week has been filled with treasures both big and small. 

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Got to Love YWAM

Well tomorrow is the 3 week mark of this adventure! This has definitely been a time of learning and fun. My second week of class a woman named Jill Bills came to teach us about hearing the voice of God and intercession. It was wonderful. I realized that although I have been around intercession a lot I haven’t had any formal teaching on it. It is crazy to think that God is always speaking and he is just waiting for us to stop and listen. The power of intercession is incredible, and I was really blown away by the importance of it. The God of the universe has given us dominion on the earth and he wants us to ask him to move. Jill’s parents Jim and Joy Dawson were very influential in the beginning days of YWAM so it was awesome to get to hear from Jill.

                                            Jill Bill's and Me

 This last week Ezra taught on Lordship and Missions. Ezra is great. He really went in to depth on how to make God Lord of all areas of life. It was very good and convicting. The second half of the week he spoke on missions and the 10/40 window. It is crazy that the largest concentration of unreached people in the world have the fewest missionaries. In some Muslim nations there is about 1 missionary for every 1 million people. The harvest is indeed plentiful but the workers are so few. Life on earth is so short it seems crazy to not devote my life to the advancement of God’s kingdom. 

  "People who do not know the Lord ask why in the world we waste our lives as missionaries. They forget that they too are expending their lives ... and when the bubble has burst, they will have nothing of eternal significance to show for the years they have wasted." - Nate Saint  

The girls in my dorm Nichole, Brianna, Erin, Kelsey, Me, Jordan, and Carisa.

                                            Our House


                    Theresa and Dean Sangrey, my amazing DTS leaders!